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The Place workgroup accounts for geospatial data vital to location capacity and regenerative ecology, and stewards these data in open public forums, moderated by members from every location, for verifiable ranked-choice sense-making and peer-to-peer open source decision-making everywhere.  >>> key questions below.

A cross-section of earth illustrating that physics dictates it must be recognized as a commons resource.

Without mapping humus and human i/o there is no way for humans to know what needs doing, how best to do it, or how well anything actually gets done or could be done; and replacing one fiat currency with another (cryptocurrency) will not a Common Resource Management System make. 

ACT now !

The world, enriched by thousands of generations of toilers and thinkers, has reached a fertility which can give every human being a plenty undreamed of even in the Utopias.
Wealth Against Commonwealth
Lloyd (1894)

The Commons is comprised of all resources and accounting activities necessary to secure the basic life, liberty and property needs of all individuals most efficiently and fairly. The continuous pursuit of passive capital for competitive advantage, detached from Human Economic Purpose, is inherently contradictory and detrimental to our mutual need and common interest in a fair, regenerative economy and healthy environment:

Closed vs Open Source Economy 

The development of computing technology has been largely financed at public expense, through academic and institutional entities, then spun out into private startups over the last half century. R&D continues to be state financed for private profit and private control over our data. The corporate state/market is collecting big data for closed governance over everything and everyone, and the public information necessary for open governance is unavailable to social networks for the public to ACT intelligently for best outcomes.

It is known, but not widely acknowledged, that Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes unpredictably destructive if programmed to operate for competitive advantage and passive capital gains using the current rules of finance and economy, as each boom and bust of every so-called business cycle, algorithmic trading bubble and Flash Crash have proven; thereby perpetuating a Creditocracy (Ross, 2013) of privilege and secrecy, inequality and human suffering, and the environmental depletion and contamination of resources that pushes us ever closer to irreparable ecosystem collapse. It is clearly impossible for AI to serve Human Economic Purpose at scale without being programmed for fairness, and fairness depends on open governance and public accounting on a socially functional social network.


The logical response of social media giants to Public Ledger Technology, would be to integrate and fully develop a Common Resource Management System for open accountancy and public decision-making. To equate open source CRMS platforms with the communism propaganda-scare of the American Industrial Age, is to deny Digital Age reality and our time and place in earth history. A real social network is a social enterprise that is intentionally diverse and organized by social contract for fully informed, highly efficient, peer-to-peer decision-making. The social network everyone needs is one everyone can use for real skill-set development, housing security, meetups in local lab and maker spaces managed cooperatively by rotation and sortition allocation based on Equal Time Value participation. This is not just a game changer. It is a real-life Grow, Make, and Live, place of wellbeing, whose time has come for getting it done.

key questions:

key imperative:

The Place workgroup accounts for geospatial data vital to location capacity and regenerative ecology, and stewards these data in open public forums, moderated by members from every location, for verifiable ranked-choice sense-making and peer-to-peer open source decision-making everywhere.