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The Projects workgroup accounts for the development and support of and related applications and projects, and stewards these data in open public forums, moderated by members from every location, for verifiable ranked-choice sense-making and peer-to-peer open source decision-making everywhere. >>> key questions below. projects emerge from our mutual need for overlapping consensus on economic fairness and open governance ecology. The alternative is closed governance, social conflict, corruption, and ecosystem destruction caused by profit-driven overshoot touted as economic development. Monetary profits require new industrial products, planned obsolescence, and growing population of consumers, or there is nothing much to sell if everyone's need for Human Economic Purpose is satisfied. Financialized overshoot has in less than a couple of centuries exhausted earth's most abundant non-renewable energy sources, adding a commensurate number of toxic dumps and landfills, graveyards and incinerators, septic fields and wastewater, oversold vehicles, asphalt and surface salts, constantly contaminating our water and soil; finally closing in upon us as we banter about carbon and conservation offsets, trying to flush and forget. The human life-cycle is only a few decades but the oozing waste piles we leave behind continue to accumulate and will likely seep until we are extinct... while Nature Calls: The soil that feeds us needs us... to make no waste; make haste, and close our nutrient cycle by naturally making and restoring the living humus we consume.

humus we are to humus we go is no earthly cliché

See: Cartwheeling in Compost and how Nature Calls us to make humus.

If the purpose of economy is to provide what humans need to sustain an equally secure quality of life, then the best use of our time and energy is to prioritize fairness ecology consensus for the most efficient and regenerative allocation of natural and human resources. It is well understood by most anthropologists and sociologists, and some economists, that socioeconomic inclusion and fairness is the source of human dignity and wellbeing. Our capacity for community and open governance will determine our success and ultimately our survival. At this moment in earth's history there is certainly no shortage of human capital, or lack of resources needed to secure for everyone an equally high quality of life within the limits of conservation capacity.

Community is the currency of human agency and fear is lost in transparency.

Benjamin Franklin calculated that four (4) hours per working adult per day was "sufficient to procure all the necessaries and comforts of life." A century later, decades before digital computing, Pëtr Kropotkin published landmark evidence (1906) that the inherent contradictions within monetary socialism and capitalism would inevitably lead to human extinction, or to the Conquest of Bread through informed voluntary participation and open accounting. Our desire to transcend the money supply contradiction is baked into our instinct for community, seen in the number of cooperatives, land trusts, non-profits, and the high demand for open source software and hardware. Our communion with reality calls the most informed stakeholders of privilege to make sufficient arable lands and resources available to open source sustainable development, and calls all of us to participate one day per week, or contribute equivalent resources toward removing the abstract, arbitrary layer of money from Human Economic Purpose. Shall debt-money and finance continue to divide us or will community, reciprocity, and regenerative ecology unite us? See Closed vs Open Source Economy (diagrams)

Biosites of Wellbeing

>>> Human Economic Purpose:

Biosites of Wellbeing, like other ecovillage communities, are intentionally designed to optimize equal participation and resource access accountability through open governance. Regenerative ecology is determined by how productively HEP resources can be fairly provisioned and maintained throughout the social network using open source systems and technologies.

The economic principle of technical efficiency is exemplified by what is broadly referred to as modularity, i.e., standardized components designed for use in as many different applications as possible. This concept is sometimes called low-tech modularity, meaning the simplest form of standardized components and methods with the highest number of use cases. When we apply the logic of modularity to the social media components needed to achieve the common decency (fairness) of an equally secure quality of life, it becomes immediately apparent that maximum modularity and human efficiency requires the highest levels of open collaboration and public accountancy. Open Source Modularity (OSM) is an immutable protocol that applies universally to every multidisciplinary STEAMER team-council and sector of human knowledge, skill-sets and toolkits:


Local Councils
Open Workgroups
Regional Independence
Planetary Redundancy


Place | Power | People | Projects | Process | Protocol | Promise

When we join a STEAMER team we enter a Biosite of Wellbeing that connects us with the broadest and deepest human knowledge, skill-sets, and resources in an intentional community of local team-councils, working through open P2P7P public forums, to provide a fully transparent CRMS platform that allows anyone to follow any issue and gives everyone a direct voice that can be heard around the world, forming an earth-scale ecology of inclusive fairness and open governance that is most optimally sustainable from the ground up.

See $olution$ Protocol and the Biosites of Wellbeing whitepaper for project development dependencies.

What is to prevent your neighborhood from being part of a to grow and make what it takes to achieve local and regional self-sufficiency and an equally secure and meaningful quality of life?

key questions:

key imperative:

The Projects workgroup accounts for the development and support of applications and projects, and stewards these data in open public forums, moderated by members from every location, for verifiable ranked-choice sense-making and peer-to-peer open source decision-making everywhere.