
The Process workgroup accounts for the integrity and truncation of aggregated open source data to ensure that no issue or question is left behind, and stewards these data in open public forums, moderated by members from every location, for verifiable ranked-choice sense-making and peer-to-peer open source decision-making everywhere.  >>> key questions below. 

Public process provides feedback through public input. Refusal to participate, or the inability to provide public input, is also a form of feedback. Input is a response to some ACT of prior output. From process we are able to iterate our protocols of open governance for further process on our evolutionary work in progress.

Cultural feedback informs process until there is sufficient overlapping consensus on an open governance protocol that all stakeholders must recognize and adopt. "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come" (Hugo, 1877).  In 2012, investigative reporting on deep-level corruption and tragic lack of public transparency, made Pakistan one of four countries in the world where tax returns are now public documents. Norway, Finland and Sweden, recognized early on in their monetary history that trying to manage a fair economy using money, is simply impossible without publicly accounting for where the money comes from and where it goes. Surprise. It seems knowing where the resources come from, how the resources are used, and how it impacts ecology is the same protocol for any sustainable business of Human Economic Purpose.

If you can't follow the money, we don't have a democracy, or any other form of governance purportedly based on the legitimacy of a voluntary social contract. In all corporate state/market jurisdictions of closed governance throughout the world, with the exception of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Pakistan, tax and financial records are only accessible to those who run the tax agencies and institutions of closed governance. Does anyone reckon that private tax and financial records can be used by Surveillance Capitalism (Zuboff, 2019) for competitive advantage and political (propaganda) control, to wreck that thirty (30) year shot at the Capitalist Dream you were sold? The corporate market/state demands our data for privileged profiling, closed governance, competitive advantage and secret insider profits, but we can't access our own public data to ACT openly on public decision-making, on an open social network, based on an open social contract, through open governance consensus.

Considering the global significance of the tripling of human population since 1950, it is crucial to understand that birth rates are consistently highest in marginalized, impoverished communities that have been sold a money dream in exchange for the real thing (local sustainable autonomy). The World Bank recently acknowledged in 2015 that, "...the conversation on the future of development needs to shift from a focus on poverty to that of inequality." It is now well established that the key to population stability and public safety, is a stable economy that provides a relatively equal standard of living for everyone. An equally comfortable quality of life is easily achieved most efficiently with digital technology, by coordinating ETV participation for a day or two per week, leaving most days free for creative work and pursuing new discoveries through collaborative innovation in 

Fairness works and conflict undermines work. See Inequality in Historical Perspective

By corroborating the facts in the big data messiness of information feedback, it becomes easier for everyone to see and ACT on the choices before us and for overlapping consensus to naturally emerge at scale.

No question left behind!

key questions of process:

key imperative:

The Process workgroup accounts for the integrity and truncation of aggregated open source data to ensure that no issue or question is left behind, and stewards these data in open public forums, moderated by members from every location, for verifiable ranked-choice sense-making and peer-to-peer open source decision-making everywhere.