My Country is this dirt ...
that gathers under my fingernails
when I am in the garden.
The quiet bacteria and fungi,
all the little insects and bugs
are my compatriots. They are
idealistic, always working together
for the common good.
I kneel on the earth
and pledge my allegiance
to all the dirt of the world,
to all of that soil which grows
flowers and food
for the just and unjust alike.
The soil does not care
what we think about or who we love.
It knows our true substance,
of what we are really made.
I stand my ground on this ground,
this ground which will
recruit us all
to its side.
"Patriotism" by Ellie Schoenfeld, from The Dark Honey. © Clover Valley Press, 2009. is digital reality grounded in earth ecology : however long it takes to secure universal access to Human Economic Purpose through open accounting and participatory systems that work equally well for everyone.
"You can't manage what you can't measure." exists to serve most equitably and sustainably the self-evident Human Economic Purpose (HEP) of all human beings:
HEP | Human Economic Purpose:
Land and Housing Security (sustainable earth resources)
Health and Safety Security (air, water, food, healthcare)
Information Access Security (skill-set and tool-kit development)
Infrastructure Access Security (energy, reuse, machinery, transport)
Participation Accounting Security (GDP/ETV dividend and mediation)
The open governance mission of is to develop and maintain an open source Common Resource Management System (CRMS) for Human Economic Purpose.
CRMS | Common Resource Management System:
Individual access to resources in the distribution network.
Public accountability for resources and participation in the network.
Sortition governance for efficient, informed decision-making.
Public Ledger Technology | What the where, when, how and why!?
Spatial data on where everything is located and its status in the ecosystem.
Temporal data of events and when they occur.
Causal data on how certain events determine outcomes.
Correlative data on why certain events influence outcomes.
In the real world we know for certain that it is physically impossible to manage earth and human resources, responsibly and equitably, without first understanding how our unique individual inputs and outputs impact one another relative to the ecosystem we are born into, and from where we all too quickly disappear.
The World Bank has acknowledged four requisites to sustainable human ecology. These requisites have long been recognized in the arts and literature across multiple disciplines for centuries:
Open access to information.
Inclusive participation.
Accountability for resource management.
Organizational capacity for consensus governance.
It is physically impossible to accomplish the stated objectives of The World Bank using the money it creates. The reason it is mathematically impossible for money to solve these problems, and how we can, is illustrated and concisely explained by the diagram:
The following three entities share protocols of understanding that align with the rapidly growing number of many thousands of intentional communities for regenerative ecology now inhabiting the planet: is an educational research and development non-profit organization. is an affiliated network of independent community land trusts. is a federation of grow, make, and live cooperatives.
Upon these requisites of understanding, information is aggregated across seven public forum workgroups, in a peer-to-peer open source network of local team-cells and regional clusters. Each local team is comprised of ten to fifteen people with diverse life experience in key sectors of economy, who help facilitate informed public sense-making and decision-making among all stakeholders across all regional clusters in the global super cluster. (See Projects for details.)
The P2P7P public forum ontology forms an ACT matrix of CRMS open source ledgers that account for key inputs and outputs throughout our complex global ecosystem, and connects everyone most functionally and fairly for inclusive participation and informed public decision-making. By building on the universally self-evident immutable elements of open governance, this open source, cross-platform CRMS provides inclusive access, and participation efficiency and security at scale.
Opening closed-source State/Market data pipelines on open source hardware and open source software, for open public accounting and participatory technical efficiency, is most crucial to regenerative ecology.
Before the digital age of network computing, humans simply lacked the technology for open access accounting and open governance systems of economy at scale. No matter the ideals of any form of governance past, economies of scale have always been plagued by a ruling class who hold insider closed governance control over what should be open public information and a democratically controlled resource and accountancy management system. Corporate state/market actors issue "Capital" as a debt to the majority, set their own salaries and benefits, hide assets in secret wealth havens and only account for their activities on secret tax returns, while denying the majority participatory ownership and decision-making agency, all under the pretense of a democratically determined economy that is in the best interest of Human Economic Purpose. Ironically, digital computing technology (developed by "public" institutions) makes it technically trivial to relieve everyone of the stress and consequences of unfair economic dysfunction by providing open access and accountability for all transactions and events that impact earth and human ecology.
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.
Ansel Adams
By focusing on how a Common Resource Management System should be designed for Human Economic Purpose, and how Public Ledger Technology works, it becomes self-evident as to why digital access and resource accountability is crucial to life ecology, and how we must learn to Grow, Make, and Live in community. See $olution$ Protocol for a checklist of dependencies.
Research on the imperative of for Human Economic Purpose is supported by numerous site references and by documents organized in the file archives.
>>> Continue reading below for a brief history of tally stick accounting, analog bookkeeping, and why CRMS technology is a ecology maker...
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Tally Stick Accounting was the most advanced system of accounting widely in use prior to the industrial manufacturing of paper. It is somehow lost on us today that less than two hundred (200) years ago paper bookkeeping was not available to the average person, and writing slates were not replaced with paper in school classrooms until near the turn of the 20th century. Paper bookkeeping reached its apex in 1964 with Xerox's patenting of the analog fax machine. But fax machines and paper bookkeeping are to digital network accounting what the horse and carriage are to satellites and starships. Only two percent of human activity time is dedicated to food production in 2020, whereas eighty-five (85) percent of all human labor prior to the Industrial Age was required to feed a growing population. With the economic disruption of computing automation, AI and IoT, we are beginning to universally perceive the inevitable imperative to provision a fully participatory economy based on open source public accounting.
Digital accounting completely revolutionizes governance, either by imposing a proprietary form of Surveillance Capitalism (Zuboff, 2019) that obstructs our public right to organize and freely share information, or through building real open source social networks that provide real-life security by accounting for fairness, efficiency, and the management and distribution of resources at scale; bringing to all humans everywhere, and many other species, a quality of life previously only imagined in the arts and literature, although never possible in practice using tally stick technology and paper bookkeeping.
Liberty produces wealth, and wealth destroys liberty...
The majority have never been able to buy enough of anything;
but this minority have too much of everything to sell.
Wealth Against Commonwealth
(Lloyd, 1894)
Notwithstanding Das Kapital (1867), the most internationally cited work in the social sciences published before 1950, we cannot dismiss without consequence the facts presented by Henry George, Progress and Poverty (1879), the most influential American economist to foreshadow the Great Depression of the All-American Dream, followed by the eloquent proofs of the American polemicist, Henry Demarest Lloyd, Wealth Against Commonwealth (1894); but above all The Conquest of Bread, by Pëtr Kropotkin (1906), demonstrating the intrinsic irreconcilable conflict between fiat-feudal money and sustainable community, in communion with life ecology.
To claim that participatory governance and resource-managed economies cannot work because tally-stick governments of the past were state/market vehicles of corruption and violence (inherent to all monopolies of private capital), or that personal privacy and property rights are threatened or at odds with public transparency (where everyone has direct decision-making rights, and a dividend share of GDP), is to fundamentally misunderstand or misrepresent capital, human society, history, security, and digital accounting technology.
Every enterprise, public and private, is critically dependent on accurate accounting, verifiable information, and human competency. Why would anyone, in the digital age of computing accountancy, advocate trying to manage a vast multi-sector economy of global scale using agrarian-age popularity contests, run every two to four years by a private ruling class that prevents open access to the information necessary to inform public decision-making and open accountability?
Unparalleled environmental and socioeconomic crises, at every level of society today, demonstrate that relying on the arbitrary issuance and unaccountable trickle-down of debt-money to the most vulnerable, controlled by a small class of billionaires, under pretense of a pandemic, (however real or imagined, whether human-caused or natural mutation) is the same old recipe for scarcity, violence, destruction and servitude repeated throughout our short Agrarian Age, and shorter Industrial Age. For the first time in human history, digital technology opens the unprecedented possibility of discovering our collective human potential for open source participation and public accounting to easily meet the fundamental individual life, liberty and property needs of every human being, most fairly, securely and sustainably at scale.
Humans do not eat money or make clothing and shelter from digital accounting entries or paper notes.
We know that it is technically trivial to build CRMS social networking platforms on open source public infrastructure to manage inclusive access to essential human-life resources, and to openly account for individual socioeconomic freedom, Equal Time Value participation, and resource security. Social networks are not very useful or sustainable apart from enabling social inclusion and participation to fairly manage what everyone needs. To the extent money can buy what we need when we need it, everyone must be able to obtain enough of it at the time they need it, or we have a social problem; and social networks should be designed to meet social needs. CRMS accounting allows us to coordinate direct access to vital resources throughout the production network, and/or, in the interim, a functionally fair distribution of debt-free currency that enables everyone to acquire the vital human-life resources we all need to participate fairly in this process.
This is not a computing problem. It is a human cognition, social governance and resource management problem— a question of what we do with what we've got— not that we must call it a CRMS, but that we understand what a CRMS looks like, and how social networks can and should be used. Certain attributes of a social economy imagined by Thomas More in Utopia (1516) are only known to have existed among egalitarian hunter-gatherer/agrarian societies, and the society that More fictionalized was not technically, religiously, or politically possible to manage at scale in 1516. Nor was any such vision of participatory governance at scale attainable using Industrial-Age paper and analog technology, i.e., Agrarian Justice (Paine, 1797). Simply put, money cannot be used to manage a fair and sustainable economy without the technology and social will to account openly for who creates it, who gets it, why they got it, and what everyone must do to get enough of it to secure food, shelter and healthcare, and to verify that we are equally respected and included in a fair process of resource allotment and purchase power distribution.
Friends do not let friends count in secret.
Bookkeeping was a significant improvement over Agrarian-Age tally stick accounting, but brought with it two World Wars of mass death and destruction. It would clearly be suicidal to repeat the war history of the 20th century in the Digital Age. If over three thousand (3000) licensed architects and engineers, upon whom we depend to build safe bridges and skyscrapers, told us our office building was about to collapse, would we ignore them and continue scrapping for early passive retirement in some high-finance skyscraper, or pause to step outside our box and look more deeply into real world ecology?
CRMS computing solves resource access and use conflicts through open source public accountancy for individual participation, competency verification, time-value rotation, and sortition selection that makes traditional secret-ballot voting in ruling-class popularity contests as undemocratic, costly, outdated, and as embarrassingly unsustainable at scale as paper bookkeeping and tally stick taxation in a digital world.
When Mahatma Gandhi was asked what he thought about British culture, he replied, "I think it would be a good idea." It is both practical and imperative that we live and practice, liberty and justice for all— to meet everyone's basic needs for life, liberty and property, by restoring our lands and water, infrastructure, ecology and security the earth over; turning the struggle of capital-driven, Debt Class vs Wealth Class, nuclear-germ, drone-powered social conflict into inclusive economic participation and population sustainability through personal freedom and fairness for everyone.
Universal open accounting and participatory fairness seems like a fairly easy to understand, acceptable, common sense, scientific approach to mitigating herd conflict, poor health, unsustainable growth and ecosystem failure, using the digital technologies that were first researched and developed at public expense, in state institutions, before being spun out for private profit by privileged insiders. Certainly there are plenty of hands and minds everywhere willing to participate in restoring our lands and waters, organic food supply and utility infrastructure. Our social capacity for open accounting and fairness will ultimately determine how successful even the most temporarily wealthy humans are at adopting and adapting to digital reality on this finite planet of both finite and abundantly renewable resources.
Remember Kropotkin's scientific treatise in response to Social Darwinism in 1902, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (how species turn struggle into cooperation), or the sci-fi fantasies of human flight and trips to the dark side of the moon? How ridiculous to think that digital computing can easily solve our economic insecurities and conflict through open access and accountability, based on competency, responsibility rotation and an equally high standard of living and population density.
Let it be... let it be..?
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